Hot Power


Learning the basics.

Hot Power is a mat-based full body strength workout that focuses on building strength and lean muscle. This is a slower paced class which will build functional strength using repetition and super setting sequences which will allow you to challenge yourself and push your fitness limits. Expect lots of compound and powerful movements like squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses, rows and lots of other heavy exercises to get you super strong.

Progressions, regressions and modifications are given throughout the class to ensure that it suits every ability level. This class is a great opportunity to choose heavier weights and really challenge yourself. You will walk away from this class feeling super powerful.

The temperature of the room is set to 35 degrees via our infrared heating system.

Infrared heating has many benefits: it is known to assist in detoxification, helps you stretch further to get the most out of your workout, assists with muscle recovery and improves your quality of sleep. 




Stretch Reformer