Why Hot Mat Pilates is Perfect for Beginners

Mat Pilates for beginners

Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting out, Hot Mat Pilates is one of the best ways to tone your body, quiet your mind, and achieve your fitness goals. The practice combines the core-strengthening power of traditional Pilates. It has the added benefits of heat, making it the perfect choice for beginners looking to build strength, flexibility, and balance.

Hot Mat Pilates simply gets one in better shape, and hence the perfect way to jumpstart your fitness journey and achieve your health goals.

What is Hot Mat Pilates?

Hot Mat Pilates is a fitness practice combining traditional Pilates principles with the added benefit of heat. In a typical Hot Mat Pilates class, participants perform low-impact exercises and movements on a yoga mat in a room heated to around 35 – 38 degrees Celsius.

The heat helps to increase circulation and promote flexibility, while the Pilates movements focus on building core strength, improving balance, and developing long, lean muscles. Hot Mat Pilates is suitable for all fitness levels, as modifications can be made to accommodate beginners or those with physical limitations.

7 Reasons Why Hot Mat Pilates is Best for Beginners

Here are seven reasons why Hot Mat Pilates is the perfect choice for anyone just starting out on their fitness journey:

  1. Low-impact

    Hot Mat Pilates is a low-impact workout that's gentle on your joints, making it perfect for beginners or those with physical limitations. It is a fantastic low-impact option that allows you to work your entire body without the high-impact movements.

  2. Builds core strength

    Building core strength is essential for anyone looking to improve their overall fitness and well-being, and Hot Mat Pilates is an excellent way to achieve this. The exercise is known for its ability to strengthen the core muscles, which helps to improve posture and prevent injury.

  3. Increases flexibility

    The heat in a Hot Mat Pilates class helps to increase circulation and promote flexibility and easy body movements. The heat warms up your muscles and joints, making stretching and moving in ways you never thought possible less stressful.

  4. Improves balance

    Hot Mat Pilates movements require a lot of control and balance, which helps to improve your overall balance and stability. Plus, the added heat in the room can help to improve circulation, making it easier for your muscles to work together seamlessly.

  5. Full-body workout

    Hot Mat Pilates works every muscle in your body, providing a complete workout that helps you build strength, tone muscles, and increase flexibility.

  6. Mind-body connection

    Hot Mat Pilates is not just a physical workout. It's also an opportunity to deepen your mind-body connection. By focusing on breath and movement, you'll learn to be more aware of your body and your thoughts, helping you reduce stress and cultivate a greater sense of calm and focus.

  7. Fun and challenging

    Hot Mat Pilates is a fun and challenging workout that will keep you engaged and motivated. With a variety of movements and modifications available, you'll always be challenged and never bored.

    So if you're looking for a workout that's both effective and beginner-friendly, Hot Mat Pilates is the perfect choice!


With the added benefit of heat, Hot Mat Pilates can be modified to meet individual needs and provides a unique experience that leaves you feeling strong, energised, and refreshed.

Want to get started immediately? Contact us now at Insight Body and Mind, and we'll fix you for a session that works comfortably with your schedule.


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