Pilates During Pregnancy: Your Trimester-by-Trimester Guide to Prenatal Pilates

Pregnant Pilates

Hey there mama-to-be, congratulations! The next nine months are going to be full of so many changes. As your body transforms, staying active with prenatal pilates can help you feel your best during this journey.

Prenatal pilates provides essential support for you and your baby. It improves flexibility and balance. Controlled movements can help relieve pregnancy discomforts like back pain or swelling.

Best of all, prenatal pilates Melbourne classes provide a community of other expectant mothers to connect with.

First Trimester: Getting Started With Prenatal Pilates

In your first trimester, prenatal pilates is a great way to start connecting with your changing body. Our experienced instructors will guide you through modified exercises.

Here are a few of our core tips during this phase:

Start with prenatal pilates classes

These focus on breath work, pelvic floor exercises, and core stability. It helps to support your expanding tummy.

Practise pelvic tilts and bridges

Lie your back on the floor with your legs bent. Inhale to arch your back slightly, then exhale to flatten your back against the floor.

Do cat/cow poses

Get down on your knees, arch your back up, and press your stomach toward the floor. Next, lower your back down while lifting your head upward. Slowly move back and forth to gently flex and extend your spine.

Take breaks when needed

Don’t push yourself. Take breaks to rest in between exercises or when you feel lightheaded. Staying hydrated will also help you feel your best during your workout.

With the guidance of a prenatal pilates workout, you’ll gain strength and confidence to have an active, healthy pregnancy.

Second Trimester: Build Your Strength and Stability

Pregnant woman | Prenatal pilates

During your second trimester, your belly is growing, and your balance may begin to feel off. A prenatal pilates workout is perfect for building strength and stability right now.

Give special attention to back and core strengthening activities. These help support your belly and relieve back pain.

Exercise like a bridge pose opens your hips and strengthens your glutes and back. Legs bowed, place your back on the ground. Lift your hips upward while squeezing your glutes and shoulder blades. Extend your arms overhead. Hold, then slowly lower back down.

Leg exercises like lunges, squats and calf raises are also helpful now for balance and circulation.

Prenatal pilates in your second trimester will help you feel stronger and more stable. Our caring instructors at Insight Body and Mind are here to guide you at every step.

Third Trimester: Staying Mobile and Flexible

In your third trimester, it’s more important to keep moving and stretching. Now your body is working hard to accommodate your growing baby. Pilates can help relieve discomfort from back paian, sciatica, and pelvic floor changes.

Follow these guides through your third trimester:

  • Practise pelvic tilts and hip openers to create space in your pelvis and lower back.

  • Do standing exercises like shoulder rolls, neck stretches and calf raises.

  • Try modified planks and bridges to engage your core muscles.

  • Practise full yogic breaths.

  • Do restorative poses like legs up the wall pose.

  • Get a pregnancy massage.

Keeping your body strong and flexible, and your mind clear and calm, will help you feel your best leading up to delivery day. Be sure to communicate with your prenatal pilates classes instructor about your needs and any concerns you may have.


So there you have it, a comprehensive guide to prenatal pilates tailored to each stage of your pregnancy. Listen to your body, start slow and build up your practice over time. Most importantly, be kind to yourself throughout this journey.

Pregnancy is a special time. Make the time to connect with your baby and focus on your well-being.


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